byron's drive-in

Byron's served the people of Oahu for 47 years before closing their doors in 2013 after the restaurants landowners announced plans to redevelop the area. This led to them building a McDonald's in the place of a local favorite.

The front of the shirt features their specials menu from their last month of business. The last slide is in memory of one of the most hammah shrimp burgers to grace this mortal realm

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char hung sut

Char Hung Sut was a Chinatown staple established in 1945 specializing in the holy trifecta of takeout Chinese Hawaiian kine stuffs (manapua, half moons, and mayjah pork hash). Sadly, Char Hung Sut closed their doors in 2020 because the world apparently ended leaving this place among many other fine local establishments in the wake of the local economy's destruction.

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like like drive inn

Like Like Drive Inn was a family-run business started by James and Alice Nako in 1953. Initially offering car-hop service, the restaurant featured American diner classics and the desserts popular at soda fountains during that era.
After 67 years of serving the local community, Like Like Drive Inn permanently closed their doors after a temporary closure in April of 2020.

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Char Hung Sut


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